“You can perceive your surroundings without relying solely on sight, by tapping into the latent potential of your mind.” – Dr Lizelle Grobler

Believe it or not, seeing without using your eyes is possible. As human beings, we were created with an amazingly powerful mind. Using our physical eyes to see is the easy way, but definitely not the only way. We can bypass the physical eyes and see with our brains only. Just tap into your innate intuitive faculties, expand your awareness, and gain a deeper understanding of the world around you. This is no strange phenomenon, it is basic science, biology, and concentration combined.

We were created with an amazingly, powerful mind. Just because we don’t understand it, doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

Using your eyes to see is the easy way, but not the only way.

 “Eyeless Sight, panoptic vision, extra-ocular vision, or in some parts of the world ‘midbrain activation’, is the ability to see without using the physical eyes. You may already know from your biology lessons in school that it is not your physical eyes that see. Rather, light impulses received with the help of your eyes, are sent to your visual cortex and assembled into the image you see. EVERY person can learn to activate their brain’s ‘center of direct informational perception’, which makes seeing without eyes and reading blindfolded possible”, says Dr. Lizelle Grobler, a leading provider of corporate training solutions, who just returned from a 10-day training session in Germany in November’23, where she learned more about this awe-inspiring, fascinating phenomenon of being able to see without the use of your eyes.

During this training, she was taught to read with a mask that was completely blacked out. In her own words: “Probably the most amazing experience of my life; that first moment; when I had to close my eyes inside the mask because of the bright light piercing through.” I don’t know what I expected, but not being able to see in high definition as if the mask was never there.

Dr. Grobler, who is also a certified profiler and forensic psychophysiologist with a PhD in Metaphysical science explains that focusing on unlocking the potential of your mind and enhancing professional skills through the exploration of mind power, facial profiling, and the extraordinary ability to perceive everything around you, without relying on sight, will revolutionize your business approach, personal and professional development. 

 “By going deeper into psychology and neurology you will gain invaluable insights and practical tools to excel in your business and professional life and empower individuals and organizations. It can enhance team dynamics, improve leadership capabilities, or foster a culture of innovation“, she says.

 Corporate executives and team players must learn how to harness the immense potential of their minds, tapping into techniques to enhance focus, memory, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. “Through interactive sessions and practical exercises, individuals can discover how to unlock their mental abilities and achieve peak performance in the workplace”, says Dr. Grobler.

 According to Dr. Grobler understanding the personality of the person you are engaging with is also essential for effective communication and interpersonal relationships. As a corporate executive or entrepreneur, you should equip yourself and your staff with the skills to interpret facial features accurately. This will enable you to build rapport, negotiate effectively, and navigate social interactions with confidence and insight.

Mastering all these different techniques will put you on a level above the rest!

Please watch this amazing video to see what this all entails: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ba8fjn03cpp17gi0f4njw/InShot_20240226_171123624.mp4?rlkey=6tgt7i9zrcehyd0ohsnchjv3p&dl=0


Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/drlizellegrobler

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/drlizelle.grobler/

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-lizelle-grobler-5a4a2563/?originalSubdomain=za

Website – www.iqinisoforensic.co.za



Alishia van Deventer

Cell: 083 635 4717

E-mail: alishia@starburstmusic.co.za

Website: www.starburstmusic.co.za